Shanghai Qingdao to Bishkek Almaty Tashkent dangerous cargo container freight

 How can we transit dangerous cargo from China to Central Asia? We highly recommend our SEA-RAILWAY LOGISTICS to you. And it's mainly handle dangerous cargo, normal chemical cargo from Chinese main port like Shanghai, Qingdao to Kazakhstan, Tashkent, and Bishkek.

Route:  Chinese main ports (Shanghai/Qingdao etc.) TO Vladivostok TO railway station

We can do customs transit at Vladivostok port and arrange reloading to train. It usually takes within 2 weeks. railway time will take around 15 days.

Main station include;

Almaty-1 Алматы 700007

Zhety-Su Жеты-Су 700308

Oskemen-1 Оскемен 713007

Karaganda Караганда 673905

Semei-Gruzovoi Семей-Грузовой 709508

Aktobe Актобе 667909 

Sorokovaya Сороковая

(Nursultan city) 690002

Uralsk Уральск 665602

Pavlodar Павлодар 666003

Shymkent Шымкент 698606 

Medeu Медеу 700204

Kokshetau Кокшетау 687008

Atyrau Атырау 661705

Kostanay Костанай 684001 

Aktau-Port Актау-Порт 663503 

Tashkent Ташкент 720000

Bishkek Бишкек 716607

Recently, we handled battery, xanthate, and other cargo from Shanghai to Kokshetau Kazakhstan and Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. using sea-railway freight, we could keep your cargo's safety. 
If you have this kind of request, welcome to contact me via FB for more information.




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